What is AA? Alcoholics Anonymous

what is aa

A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety. There are a variety of formats for A.A. Meetings and each meeting takes on the feel of their local area. At most meetings you will hear members talk about what drinking did to them and to those around them. Most also share what actions they took to stop drinking and how they are living their lives today. For most alcoholics, it was impossible to even imagine a life without liquor.

  • If the group collects more than is necessary to meet its expenses, it can contribute to its World Service Office, which also follows this tradition by accepting no outside contributions.
  • Now translated into over 70 languages, it is still considered A.A.’s basic text.
  • Anytime a newcomer reaches out for help, they will receive it, free of charge.
  • It is AA’s public relations policy to attract rather than promote.

What Are the 12 Steps of AA?

  • As the Internet became a part of daily life, members of 12-step groups naturally began gathering together online for mutual support.
  • Members who determine the format of their meetings.

AA is self-supporting, with donations from members covering expenses, and it operates through an “inverted pyramid” structure, where individual groups function autonomously. The organization does not accept outside contributions and relies heavily on literature sales. Alcoholics Anonymous helps guide addicts to understand that their immediate problem is alcohol. Once their alcohol use is under control and abolished from their daily lives, members who put effort into their recovery are able to more successfully approach their life problems. Solutions to these problems may not have come easily before, but living by the ideals A.A.

what is aa

Personal Stories

what is aa

Programs to set a what does aa stand for alcohol strong foundation in recovery. This often includes “working the 12 steps” with a supportive sponsor. Alcoholics are now free and find that a new dimension has been added to their lives. By working towards their main goal of sobriety, alcoholics begin to feel that they have really begun to live for the first time.

what is aa

Big Book ASL – Foreword to Third Edition

  • Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
  • Background for many topic meetings derives from A.A.
  • Tradition 1 can be applied to your family as much as to your group.
  • All members are themselves recovering from alcoholism.
  • Although the strength of our program lies in the voluntary nature of membership in A.A., many of us first attended meetings because we were forced to, either by someone else or by inner discomfort.
  • Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.

Members simply stay away from one drink, one day at a time. Sobriety is maintained through sharing experience, strength and hope at group meetings and through the suggested Twelve Steps for recovery from alcoholism. AA meetings vary in format, with some focusing on personal stories, readings from the Big Book, or open discussion. Meetings may cater to specific demographics, but they generally welcome anyone who desires to stop drinking.

Frequently Asked Questions About Alcoholics Anonymous

  • In 1946, co-founder Bill Wilson published the “Twelve Points to Assure Our Future” in the AA Grapevine newspaper.
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction are often referred to as “substance abuse” or “chemical dependency.” Alcoholics and nonalcoholics are, therefore, sometimes introduced to AA and encouraged to attend AA meetings.
  • The organization lists several online and in-person meetings available in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
  • Members; and notices of upcoming events.
  • Before they are exposed to A.A., many alcoholics who are unable to stop drinking think of themselves as morally weak or, possibly, mentally unbalanced.
  • Concept is that alcoholics are sick people who can recover if they follow a simple program that has proved successful for more than two million people.
  • There are many opportunities to participate in a variety of ways.

Provides, which have been proven to work for many, enables individuals to cope with what they previously numbed with substance abuse. Handling these issues and healing internal wounds is much more effective when sober than when under the influence. Alcoholism and drug addiction are often referred to as “substance abuse” or “chemical dependency.” Alcoholics and nonalcoholics are, therefore, sometimes introduced to AA and encouraged to attend AA meetings. Anyone may attend open AA meetings. But only those with a drinking problem may attend closed meetings or become AA members.

History of the 12 Traditions in AA

what is aa

Such programs are also a cost-effective way to deliver treatment. The anonymity statement of AA underscores the importance of confidentiality, stating that anonymity forms the spiritual foundation of their traditions, reminding members to prioritize principles over personalities. The Central Office is also fully self-supporting through the sale of literature and member contributions.